magic touch theraphy
You have all that you need in order to succeed. Be brave to CHANGE, keen to GROW and ready to REWARD
If you do everything the same or always live in a comfort zone, you may not know that it can be different, better. You may not experience a happier, wiser, more fulfilled life. Be strong and brave to CHANGE!
You made a decision to change, but failed to start or maybe you gave up too early. Maybe you pushed yourself too much or even punished yourself for not succeeding. This is not the way you can grow firmly and stably. Start slow and be keen to GROW high!
Be Ready to REWARD. Sometimes success does not come to our life just because we are simply not ready for it. We may not know how to act if we receive a lot of money, or we may not be able to accept the job offer or simply huge success in wrong moment of our life could harm our most precious. That’s why we have to prepare for it and be ready then it comes.
My journey with psychology started during the divorce. From 2019 I attended many courses and workshops about self-development and psychology in different languages and countries. Finally, in 2022 I became a certified CBT therapist, who combines CBT techniques with spiritual approach.
My name is Teja, originally from Lithuania, but from 2016 living in Poland. Speaking four different languages as lived in four different countries (English, Polish, Norwegian and Lithuanian). After divorce, rising two children and a dog.
Topics I can help you with: First 15 min talk is free of charge.
One-time 50 min consultation costs 25 EUR / 120 PLN. Course of 5 meetings (once a week or every second week) costs 100 EUR / 500 PLN. Please reach out for payment details.
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